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  • Writer's pictureKene Orakwue

There’s still work to be done

Updated: May 13, 2019

We watched the Juneteenth blackish episode to celebrate today & enjoyed some red velvet cake! Other than that we started working on putting together a sex ed curriculum and I’m excited to see how it turns out!

Day 19 maybe?- I am in all the feels right now after that CHF meeting. Sitting in that circle, looking at those 20+ people who want to make a difference in the world, who wake up every day determined with that mission and in whatever way with their gifts work towards it. I was extremely humbled and almost brought to tears listening to people’s ideas. I want to make a difference. I also became even more fired in my efforts today after Bright shared that teachers are impregnating students. So not only are they being told pregnancy is bad and being shamed, girls are being blamed for asking for it and then there teachers are forcing them while their parents are telling them it’s good. I want to cry, women empowerment is the most important thing in the world for me and a girl knowing she can do whatever she wants and has the tools to do so as well. I don’t know how to address this power dynamic but I want to and will- because it’s unacceptable. This will be a learning opportunity for both teachers and students.

Black vs white and the interaction that comes with that. People drag their feet for the white, “hi abronee (means foreigner or white person)” “come but my stuff madame”, and the list goes on. At first I wanted to feel sad that no one was interested in me and didn’t want to talk but then I took a step back. Yes sometimes people are curious if I’m Ghanaian or not or if I’m married but that’s it. Why is it that white is worshiped? Why is it that I am still different but black that they aren’t curious? But it’s nice blending in and no one bothering me.

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